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Mark that remains

in my skin forever,

I want to write poetry

full of metaphors,

but words and synonyms

don't come to me.

Because my insides ache

with the sound of agony,

I didn't know how much

it would hurt,

the scars you would leave me,

that sting me,

they sting my life.

Scab that forms

to cover me from this wound,

so I no longer see you,

wound of such caliber

that didn't let me be free.

Knowing that I can't erase you

because you lie on my skin,

like a faded flower

lying in a green Eden,

like a work of art, my art,

you are now a part of me.

For I've learned to accept you

and let you coexist within my skin.

Difficult not to blame you

for residing in me,

But I know that without you,

I couldn't describe

what I now understand

by the word "resist".

You may be a work of art,

that by accepting you,

has healed within me.

You've taught me

to keep moving forward,

through rain and wind,

against every storm,

and all odds.

Because I know

you'll be by my side

for a lifetime,

in this world

where, no,

you cannot give up.




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